2025 Events Calendar
(Scroll down for details -- as they become available)
January 5, February 2, and March 2 - Wild Earth Spiritual Community at Dayspring
March 21 Spring Equinox Ceremony
June 21 Summer Solstice Ceremony: Prayer for the Earth in this Season of Summer Sun
September 22 Autumn Equinox Ceremony
October 10-12 A Soul/Nature Retreat At Rolling Ridge
November Wild Earth Spiritual Community at Dayspring
December Wild Earth Spiritual Community at Dayspring
December 21 Winter Solstice Ceremony
January 5, February 2, and March 2
Wild Earth Spiritual Community at Dayspring 3 PM
About Wild Earth Spiritual Community (Formerly Church of the wild DC-MD-VA)
We seek to live in deeper relationship with Earth, Divine Presence and each other. We gather twice monthly in sacred, natural woodlands in the Metro DC area. We are a diverse, inclusive and inter-spiritual community. Our gatherings combine contemplative spiritual practices with songs and chants, drumming, silent wandering and fellowship. Our practices enhance and grow our commitment to Earth and Her Beings, informing the work we do individually and collectively in the outer world.
We are a member of the Wild Church Network.
Please register for this free gathering so that we can keep you up-to-date on event information, including what to bring, directions, parking information, and weather-related changes! Register at https://www.wildearthspiritual.org/

March 21 at 5:00 PM
Spring Equinox Ceremony
Cheer-cheerful-charmer, the bluebird sings, inviting us to attend to the real business of this season.
On the day of the Spring Equinox we come together for a ceremony both ancient and new to honor and give thanks for the precious gifts of life that Spring embodies. This Spring we open our hearts to beauty and new life in this season that holds the balance between the dark and light. In this time when all life is endangered, much is out of sync, and we are too much caught in darkness, it is especially important to grow in gratitude to the Earth for all the ways Earth nourishes and renews us -- awakens dream and imagination in us -- gives us courage to blossom and bear fruit. Maybe even to sing a song of cheer.
5 pm -- We will gather outside the Dayspring Farmhouse at 5:00 pm and walk to the labyrinth fire circle for this ceremony of poetry, silent wander, and shared prayer on the land, inspired by the “Thanksgiving Address” the Native People known as the Iroquois.
6 pm -- We will gather indoors at Overlook Retreat House for a simple supper.
7 pm -- We will circle for creative sharing time around the seasonal theme. Please bring a poem or story ...share a favorite work of art or image ...bring your own musical instrument and play a song ...guide us in singing or sacred dance.
NOTE PLEASE: You are welcome to come for all or part of this time of ceremony and celebration. For planning for the outdoor ceremony and for seating and food at Overlook, RSVP to Jim or Cheryl at jimhallmd@yahoo.com or 301-916-4827 To inquire about the possibility of staying overnight in the Overlook retreat space, contact Trish at stefanik.trish@gmail.com or 240-357-3551

June 21-- 5 PM at Dayspring
Summer Solstice Ceremony
An Invitation to a Gathering of Prayer for the Earth in this Season of Summer Sun and Wildfire
On the evening of the Summer Solstice, we come together to remember and give thanks: for the gifts of the sun's light, for the beauty and abundance of summer gardens and fields, for the wisdom of Earth herself. It matters -- perhaps more than we will ever know -- that we do this. Especially now, when northern forests burn on an unprecedented scale, and our air is filled with smoke. When it is dangerous for us and our children even to be outside.
5:00 pm You are invited to an outdoor prayer ceremony to welcome in the change of seasons. Meet at the Farmhouse to walk together to a particular place on the land. 6:00 pm Gather indoors at Overlook for a simple supper.
7:00 pm We will circle for creative sharing time around the seasonal theme. Please bring a poem or a story … share a favorite work of art or image … bring your musical instrument and play a song … guide us in singing or sacred dance …
NOTE PLEASE: For planning for the outdoor ceremony and for seating and food at Overlook, RSVP to Jim or Cheryl at jimhallmd@yahoo.com or 301-916-4827. To inquire about the possibility of staying overnight in the Overlook retreat space, contact Trish at stefanik.trish@gmail.com or 240-357-3551.

September 22 5:00 PM at Dayspring
Autumn Equinox Ceremony
Just a day afer the Autumnal Equinox we will gather at the Farmhouse and walk through the fields to a hill overlooking the fields of goldenrod. Join us as we take time to give thanks for the many beautiful aspects of the natural world here at Dayspring. As the season turns from the exuberance of summer to the time of harvest and letting go, we mark this passage with ceremony.
It matters -- perhaps more than we will ever know -- that we do this.
5:00 pm You are invited to an outdoor prayer ceremony to welcome in the change of seasons. Meet at the Farmhouse to walk together to a particular place on the land.
6:00 pm Gather indoors at Overlook for a simple supper.
7:00 pm We will circle for creative sharing time around the seasonal theme. Please bring a poem or a story … share a favorite work of art or image … bring your musical instrument and play a song … guide us in singing or sacred dance …
NOTE PLEASE: For planning for the outdoor ceremony and for seating and food at Overlook, RSVP to Jim or Cheryl at jimhallmd@yahoo.com or 301-916-4827. To inquire about the possibility of staying overnight in the Overlook retreat space, contact Trish at stefanik.trish@gmail.com or 240-357-3551.

October 10-12, 2025
Rolling Ridge Soul/Nature Retreat
Rolling Ridge Soul/Nature Retreat
Theme and details to be announced
A November Sunday at 3PM
Wild Earth Spiritual Community at Dayspring
Theme: To Be announced

Wild Earth Spiritual Community at Dayspring
A December Sunday at 3PM
Theme: To Be announced
December 21 at 5 PM at Dayspring
Winter Solstice Ceremony
Cradled in darkness,
be restored to the embrace of mystery.
Glory wakes here.
Let it kindle
your joy.
-- Rebecca Parker
On the day of the Winter Solstice we come together for a ceremony both ancient and new to honor and give thanks. Thanks for the embrace of mystery that winter embodies. For the Glory that wakes here. And for the way that winter kindles joy.
In these dark times we seek another, deeper darkness. A fertile darkness. The darkness of God. And in the coming light we seek not the brightness of mid-day, but a little light, dappled in shadow (TS Eliot). A light that sets our hearts dancing, alive with dream and possibility.
6:00 pm Gather indoors at Overlook for a simple supper.
7:00 pm We will circle for creative sharing time around the seasonal theme. Please bring a poem or a story … share a favorite work of art or image … bring your musical instrument and play a song … guide us in singing or sacred dance …
NOTE PLEASE: For planning for the outdoor ceremony and for seating and food at Overlook, RSVP to Jim or Cheryl at jimhallmd@yahoo.com or 301-916-4827. To inquire about the possibility of staying overnight in the Overlook retreat space, contact Trish at stefanik.trish@gmail.com or 240-357-3551.